Jersey Darts 501 Singles League
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Standings Winter 2015 A

Player Wins %   Wins   Losses   100-139   140-179   180   Best Game   High Out   All-Stars   First 9 Avg. 3 Dart Avg. Out Shot % Matches Played Legs Played
1.   Garrett Hammond 61.62 61 38 131 28 9 14 151 20744 33.42 64.49 NA 9 99
2.   Ken Travers 67.78 61 29 109 19 2 16 108 15116 33.95 63.66 NA 8 90
3.   David Marchese 60.47 52 34 122 19 2 16 118 15420 67.18 59.97 25.24 % 8 86
4.   Chris Launzinger 47.73 21 23 38 6 3 16 117 5766 30.87 59.08 NA 4 44
5.   Bobby Freeman 45.16 28 34 53 9 3 14 150 7556 30.41 57.15 NA 6 62
6.   Bill Elig 36.84 28 48 64 8 0 19 108 9544 8.54 55.59 NA 7 76
7.   Bryan Stellman 43.02 37 49 80 7 2 18 124 9670 61.62 54.58 NA 8 86
8.   Al Yevich 23.81 15 48 37 6 0 22 153 5815 15.72 51.91 NA 6 63

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  * Click on Name to see detailed results.



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