Jersey Darts 501 Singles League
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Standings Rock Masters Summer 2017

Player Wins %   Wins   Losses   100-139   140-179   180   Best Game   High Out   All-Stars   First 9 Avg. 3 Dart Avg. Out Shot % Matches Played Legs Played
1.   John Menichella 52.05 76 70 157 31 5 13 120 21415 69.82 62.15 23.24 % 13 146
2.   Gary De Boer 47.52 67 74 119 47 7 11 158 20475 69.51 63.56 23.34 % 13 141
3.   Ryan Vander Weit 49.32 73 75 133 41 7 14 144 21386 71.29 64.72 NA 13 148
4.   Brian Rudel 54.55 90 75 167 42 6 14 130 25122 73.33 64.62 21.48 % 14 165
5.   Chris Launzinger 46.51 80 92 183 34 10 14 114 25799 69.21 64.16 78.43 % 15 172

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  * Click on Name to see detailed results.



Association of Bergen County Dartists
Dart Player New York