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    Score Keeping Rules

    The Darters “10 Commandments” For Keeping Score

    1: The Scorekeeper Shall Not talk while keeping score.
    2: The Scorekeeper Shall Not move about while keeping score, stand still.
    3: The Scorekeeper Shall Not look at the shooter, stand facing the board.
    4: The Scorekeeper Shall Not calls out a score, of one dart or all three---- unless the shooter asks you.
    5: The Scorekeeper Shall Not tells a shooter what to shoot for or what combination to shoot, for an out.
    6: The Scorekeeper Shall Not changes a score unless it is brought to the attention of both shooters (teams).
    7: The Scorekeeper Shall Not change a score - regardless - if that player (team) has shot again and a second score written down. An error in a shooters score MUST be corrected before the player (team) shoots again or it stands.
    8: The Scorekeeper Shall Not leans out to see where a dart is or is going nor shall he follow the dart with body or head movement.
    9: The Scorekeeper Shall Not shows any sign of disgust or excitement while at the scoreboard.
    10: The Scorekeeper Shall Not change the side of the score sheet of the players in three leg.