Jersey Darts
JerseyDarts.com 501 Singles League
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Standings 2011 Summer

Player Wins %   Wins   Losses   100-139   140-179   180   Best Game   High Out   All-Stars   First 9 Avg. 3 Dart Avg. Out Shot % Matches Played Legs Played
1.   Darren Starr 87.41 125 18 157 62 11 13 128 27260 0.00 74.45 NA 13 143
2.   George Timpone 72.73 104 39 151 53 10 12 160 25258 0.00 67.32 NA 13 143
3.   Corey Jewett 69.93 100 43 146 33 5 15 120 20778 0.00 65.05 NA 13 143
4.   Mark Livolsi 67.13 96 47 137 34 7 15 116 20869 0.00 61.72 NA 13 143
5.   Ken Tunstall 55.24 79 64 111 17 0 18 0 13895 0.00 58.61 NA 13 143
6.   TJ Paglucia 55.24 79 64 138 32 4 18 0 19788 0.00 60.62 NA 13 143
7.   James Morgan 54.55 78 65 111 30 3 18 125 16231 0.00 58.20 NA 13 143
8.   K Dog 48.95 70 73 90 17 2 15 0 12187 0.00 55.97 NA 13 143
9.   Bob Tafuri 48.25 69 74 70 18 0 17 123 9925 0.00 57.05 NA 13 143
10.   Mike Hartman 47.55 68 75 102 16 1 19 129 13011 0.00 54.76 NA 13 143
11.   James Valesio 44.06 63 80 126 18 2 15 106 15827 0.00 54.40 NA 13 143
12.   Pat Potter 42.66 61 82 88 17 0 20 120 11349 0.00 52.94 NA 13 143
13.   Forfeit 32.32 32 67 44 6 0 23 0 5510 0.00 47.82 NA 9 99

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  * Click on Name to see detailed results.



Association of Bergen County Dartists
Dart Player New York