Jersey Darts 501 Singles League
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Standings Fall 2024 B Conference

Player Wins %   Wins   Losses   100-139   140-179   180   Best Game   High Out   All-Stars   First 9 Avg. 3 Dart Avg. Out Shot % Matches Played Legs Played
1.   Dana Mincevich 44.44 4 5 2 0 0 43 32 196 32.33 31.45 NA 1 9
2.   Bill Condon 66.67 6 3 7 0 0 30 59 706 49.22 41.44 NA 1 9
3.   Kristin D'Arienzo 44.44 4 5 2 0 0 33 32 230 45.52 34.46 NA 1 9
4.   Ken Butt Jr 44.44 8 10 9 3 0 23 88 1351 50.91 39.64 NA 2 18
5.   Greg Espinosa 55.56 5 4 2 0 0 33 40 200 43.93 34.13 NA 1 9
6.   Debbie Kidd 44.44 4 5 1 0 0 37 60 111 35.11 31.62 NA 1 9
7.   Dawn Crocetti 55.56 5 4 2 0 0 27 50 201 41.93 32.42 NA 1 9

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  * Click on Name to see detailed results.



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