Jersey Darts
JerseyDarts.com 501 Singles League
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Standings Winter 2025 A Conference

Player Wins %   Wins   Losses   100-139   140-179   180   Best Game   High Out   All-Stars   First 9 Avg. 3 Dart Avg. Out Shot % Matches Played Legs Played
1.   Ken Travers 87.88 29 4 46 13 2 16 105 6775 76.91 65.75 NA 3 33
2.   Matt Siegrist 36.36 8 14 18 4 1 18 100 2574 56.20 55.51 NA 2 22
3.   Eric Jensen 59.09 26 18 53 7 1 19 98 6597 60.01 56.20 25.74 % 4 44
4.   Tim Plumb 27.27 6 16 13 1 0 23 53 1461 55.26 49.45 10.00 % 2 22
5.   Ken Butt 40.91 18 26 44 7 0 21 59 5630 56.17 51.85 NA 4 44
6.   Anthony Rossi 39.39 13 20 31 1 0 21 82 3390 58.47 52.91 65.00 % 3 33
7.   Mike Mason 56.82 25 19 46 5 0 17 100 5521 60.58 55.12 NA 4 44
8.   Steve Shaffery 45.45 15 18 37 6 0 17 102 4613 65.74 55.14 NA 3 33
9.   Bryan Stellman 42.42 14 19 36 0 0 21 113 3929 58.04 53.15 NA 3 33

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  * Click on Name to see detailed results.



Association of Bergen County Dartists
Dart Player New York